
Global Traveler

Wisata Kuliner Favorit di Jawa Timur. Akses Heboh Goyang Lidah Penggila Wisata Makanan

  Wisata Kuliner Favorit di Jawa Timur. Akses Heboh Goyang Lidah Penggila Wisata Makanan Bukan hanya Jakarta, Bali atau Bandung (Jawa Barat) dan Yogyakarta yang terkenal karena beragam kuliner yang maknyus, melainkan juga Jawa Timur, bahkan tersebar di berbagai kota, sehingga jika anda menikmati liburan panjang atau cuti bersama, maka anda akan tergoda untuk goyang lidah di Jawa Timur. Jawa Timur, salah satu provinsi terbesar di Indonesia, tidak hanya terkenal dengan keindahan alam dan budayanya, tetapi juga dengan ragam kuliner yang menggugah selera. Dari makanan berat hingga camilan, setiap daerah di Jawa Timur memiliki keunikan tersendiri yang patut dicicipi. Berikut adalah beberapa destinasi kuliner favorit yang wajib dikunjungi saat Anda berada di Jawa Timur. Nikmat apalagi yang bisa didustakan? Kuliner Indonesia atau di Jawa Timur begitu beragam dan bikin ngiler. Ayo siap goyang lidah di seantero Jatim (Image:   1. Surabaya: Kota Pahlawan dengan Ragam Kuliner

Destinasi Wisata Populer di Indonesia Selain Bali

  Destinasi Wisata Populer di Indonesia Selain Bali   Bali merupakan tujuan atau destinasi wisata yang telah mendunia, yang juga menjadi idaman warga Indonesia untuk dikunjungi. Bali terkenal bukan hanya karena keindahan alam dan penduduknya yang ramah terhadap pengunjung, juga didukung dengan kreativitas warga Bali di bidang seni budaya serta adat istiadat yang berdasarkan filosofi Hindu, dan kearifan asli Bali yang berpadu dengan berbagai unsur seni budaya lain.  Bahwa sangat banyak daerah lain di negeri Zambrut Katulistiwa ini yang juga sangat kaya dengan keindahan alam serta kebudayaan yang luhur seperti halnya Bali.  Pink Beach di Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timur (Image: Indonesia adalah negara yang kaya akan keindahan alam dan budaya. Hal ini menjadikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata favorit di dunia. Bali adalah salah satu destinasi wisata paling populer di Indonesia, namun ada banyak destinasi wisata lain di Indonesia yang tidak kalah men

Terungkap tempat bekerja dari Ubud Bali dengan tarif hotel menggoda

Setelah pandemi global suasana kantor dan tempat kerja pada umumnya terasa berbeda karena para staff dan karyawan tidak semua hadir. Mereka bukannya membolos, melainkan karena ada aturan tentang jumlah pekerja yang boleh hadir mengingat protokol kesehatan. Yang tidak nongol di kantor terpaksa "dirumahkan" dan menjalankan status baru: work from home sambil stay at home. Sebagian dari anda mungkin sudah mulai jenuh. Adalah sangat beruntung jika anda belum frustrasi karena terkena dampak bekerja dari rumah begitu lama. Suasana kantor dan tempat kerja anda pasti terasa berbeda setelah dilakukan di rumah.  Serunya suasana kantor atau tempat kerja tidak bisa tergantikan meskipun anda didukung teknologi canggih seperti zoom meeting, video call, atau Google Meet, juga layanan E-Mail dan fasilitas percakapan di media sosial seperti Telegram, dan WhatsUp. Bekerja di rumah mungkin anda punya peluang curi waktu untuk nonton film serial di Netflix atau bermain game online.  Namun kesempat

Fantastic Vacation & adventure in Europe, the Blue Continent

Choosing a holiday in Bali or Hollywood is a dream for tourists from all over the world. Both are beautiful places and have great appeal to invite you to enjoy the natural beauty, art, culture, and the wonders of world-class tourism. If you have ever visited Bali or the United States, perhaps the Blue Continent could be your next destination . Blue continent or the European continent today you can visit with ease, thanks to low-cost airlines, as well as offer friendly hotel rates. Of course, if you want to get the first-class service, you also can get it easily, you can even use a private jet comfortably. A romantic honeymoon in Paris. Image: In Eastern Europe and in the western part of the continent, there are a lot of beautiful scenery and interesting, with a variety of features that will make your holiday very enjoyable and provide the fondest memories of your life.  You can enjoy a variety of unique food, the beauty of art and culture, even th

Discover the shooting location of Eat Pray Love, a Julia Roberts movie in Bali

Have you read the novel "Eat Pray Love"? This novel tells the story of the American experience of Elizabeth Gilbert who loves and spiritual journey to India, enjoy delicious food in Italy, and finding love in Bali. Julia Roberts and the film crew were blessed with holy water before shooting the film. Image:    The novel tells the story of Elizabeth Gilbert (Liz) at age easily swayed. Shakiness resulted in severe psychiatric disorders, such as a kite dropped after a divorce from her husband. She hated her husband so much so that he refused the words of wisdom "if you want to know more about your husband, and then divorce him." She actually divorced just because she wants to stop to learn more about him. Julia  Rovert and Javier Bardem in Ubud.  I mage: Elizabeth is a writer who is depressed due to her marriage. After a divorce from her husband, she was in touch with another man. Unfortunately, the relationship did not wor

Raja Ampat is a true paradise for divers and marine lovers

Do you have finished your wonderful holiday in Bali? Bali is famous as the last paradise on earth in more than 100 years ago. It is time you come to the corner of Papua in Indonesia, the Raja Ampat. Let's go to another paradise in Indonesia. Raja Ampat in West Papua's remote location but the area saves a million underwater beauty.  Nadine Chandrawinata is ready to dive in Raja Ampat. Image: Raja Ampat is a hidden paradise for scuba divers, marine biologist, oceanographer or adventurous who loves natural beauty, definitely will not miss the chance to visit the last paradise in the marine field, at least once in their lives. Even honeymooners will get the fondest memories in the life of love. Raja Ampat marine tourism is known as one of the 10 best dive tourism in the world. This area is known as a center for tropical richest natural resources in the world. Do you want to miss this beauty for granted? How is the best way to get in Raja A

Holidays and fantastic diving in Wakatobi

Fantastic diving in Wakatobi.   Image: If you a professional diver or you are just interested in learning to dive, or snorkeling , then you can dive in   Nusa Penida ,  Bali, or Wakatobi archipelago.  The Wakatobi Marine National Park is renowned for its stunning underwater world and as a magical heaven for scuba divers and snorkelers alike.   This is southeast Sulawesi; a birthmark-shaped island in Indonesia’s northeast and home to some of the world’s most spectacular coral reefs, located in the midst of a remote island archipelago group is known to adventure voyager as Tukang Besi. Wakatobi is named after the four islands that surround it, Wa ngi Wangi, Ka ledupa, To mia, and Bi nongko ( Wa Ka To Bi ). The naming of Wakatobi indeed makes easy the divers to locate dive sites in Google Earth or in the best dive spots of the world. Let’s dive in Wakatobi.